Data tables are fundamental when it comes to managing feeds.

They provide a structured format, that allows you to organize and store various attributes associated with creative ads, such as image URLs, image files, product IDs, product descriptions, etc.

Data tables can be also used as an alternative to Google Spreadsheets for managing the dynamic data for the Feeds.

To create a new Data Table go to Data > Data Tables > click New Data Table button.

To rename your Data table click on the top menu and select Rename.

To import a CSV file, just click on Import CSV button in the top menu.

To add a new column, click on Add button and select from the dropdown menu the type of column you want to add.

To add a new row, click on Add button at the bottom left of your table.

To select a row, hover over it and click on it.

To view all the actions (like Rename, Delete, …) for a specific column, click on the drop-down arrow.

Let’s insert a new Text column on the left.

For the Text you have additional tools to fully customize it (including the Font Size).

For the image column, upload your images to your feed by clicking the Import File button or simply Drag the images directly from your PC to the Data table.

A thumbnail will be displayed for each uploaded image.

Now, let’s add a Color column.

To select a color, simply double-click inside the column, and the color picker will automatically appear.

A color thumbnail will be displayed for each added color.

Right-click to Copy/Paste/Delete color. You can also remove color by pressing Delete on your keyboard.

If you want to select more rows, select a row from the top and hold down the Shift key and select the bottom row. That selects all rows in between.

Use keyboard shortcuts to enhance productivity.

For Windows:

Undo last command – Ctrl + Z;

Redo last command – Ctrl + Shift + Z;

Cut – Ctrl + X;

Copy – Ctrl + C;

Paste – Ctrl + V.

For MacOs:

Undo last command – Cmd + Z;

Redo last command – Cmd + Shift + Z;

Cut – Cmd + X;

Copy – Cmd + C;

Paste – Cmd + V.